October 23, 2024


All agribusiness in one place

Open field drip irrigation or greenhouse? Where the dillema lies

2 min read

Many farmers run into the dilemma of where to invest, open field drip irrigation or green house? Where do you lie? here are some facts to keep in mind when caught up in such a dillema.

This information is probably something some people may want to contradict but it remains very important when caught up in this dilemma, if you may want to add anything, feel free to do it in our comment box. Depending on your location, weather patterns, availability of water and land, make your investment decision wisely.

Open field irrigation:

Item Open field drip irrigation
Start up capital Ranges from Kshs 120,000-150,000 per acre
Time taken to return on investment Maximum two seasons depending on what you plant
Space and labour requirement Requires more space and labour
Pest and disease management Relatively demanding because of large space
Maintenance Low cost
Durability Five years and more depending on handling
Enviromental interference Prone
Health effects on workers involved Relatively low

Green House:

Item Green House
Start up capital Ranges from Kshs. 250,000-350,000 per greenhouse
Time taken to return on investment Maximum Four seasons depending on the crop you plant
Space and labour requirement Requires less space
Pest and disease management Relatively less demanding due to small space and controlled environment
Maintenance Relatively high cost
Durability Maximum five years dependent on handling
Enviromental interference Not prone to environmental factors
Health effects on workers involved Relatively high association with health related issues and requires protective wear


Remember,  agribusiness is business and all businesses require risks, calculated risks.>Also, take part in our monthly tours to learn more of these practically, click here for our next visit. For the best drip irrigation solutions, contact dripsol

1 thought on “Open field drip irrigation or greenhouse? Where the dillema lies

  1. What greenhouse technology are we talking about here???? I hope you are not talking about those synthetic structures that many companies, in the name of making profitable business, recommend to susceptible farmers. >90% of such have failed in Kenya over the last few years.

    Real structures utilizing the greenhouse technology are highly sophisticated, mostly computerized and above all quite expensive. Joel Mutiso

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