October 23, 2024


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Friday Round up: Agriculture News Kenya

2 min read

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Nominee Linturi reveals he is worth 1.2B 

 Mithika Linturi, Agriculture & Livestock Development CS nominee and former Meru Senator revealed to the National Assembly Appointment Committee that he is worth Sh1.2 billion. 

“I acquired my wealth through farming, shares in SACCOs, investment in commercial property and publicly listed firms,” Mithika Linturi revealed. 

Additionally, Mr. Linturi anticipates being over sh2.2 billion in a year’s time after his main debtors Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Kenyan government pays him for wrongful prosecution. 

President William Ruto Promises to Invest in Agriculture to Improve Food Security

President William Ruto revealed that he was planning to invest massively in Agriculture to boost food security and reduce the high cost of living in the country.  The President made the revelations while addressing the nation during the Mashujaa holiday celebrations at Uhuru Gardens. 

“The government will be constructing several dams to help put up to 3 million acres of land under irrigation. This will help stop over-reliance on rain in farming. We have to eradicate hunger in the country within the shortest time possible,” President Ruto said. 

In addition, the President also directed the hiring of 600 forest officers and 2,700 forest rangers. This will help drive the agenda of increasing forest cover to at least 30% in the country by 2032. 

Twiga Foods Partners Google Cloud to Help Increase Food Security 

Twiga Foods will be working with Google to help increase the distribution and accessibility of farm produce and reduce the production of waste materials. 

In the partnership, Twiga Foods will be using Google Cloud Technologies to help run an efficient food value chain. The aim is to connect vendors with the farmers directly to help in bringing locally harvested and high-quality farm produce to the people daily. The partnership will allow the ordering of accurate food items reducing the waste of perishable goods. 

Trans Nzoia Farmer Donates Sh1 million Bull to President William Ruto 

Mr. John Njoroge a farmer from Kiminini sub-county, Trans Nzoia County has gifted President William Ruto with a bull estimated to be worth a million. 

The 1.5-ton bull was donated to the President as appreciation for empowering low-income earners in the country. 

“I appreciate the efforts of President William Ruto to empower small-scale farmers by making empowerment of hustlers a priority in his government. The bull will act as a reminder to him of the promises he made to the hustlers,” Mr. John Njoroge revealed during the Mashujaa Day celebrations. 

Previously, Mr. John Njoroge made headlines back in December 2018 after selling a bull to former President Uhuru Kenyatta at sh1 million. 


  1. https://www.citizen.digital/news/my-financial-net-worth-is-ksh12b-agriculture-cs-nominee-mithika-linturi-reveals-n307861
  2. https://english.news.cn/20221021/82a44fea62cb42e09419dacedeebceab/c.html
  3. https://techtrendske.co.ke/twiga-foods-taps-google-cloud-to-improve-food-security-and-reduce-waste-production-in-kenya/
  4. https://nation.africa/kenya/counties/uasin-gishu/trans-nzoia-farmer-gifts-president-ruto-bull-on-mashujaa-day-3992366

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