October 23, 2024


All agribusiness in one place

Farm Profiles: Grace Rock Farm, Professional small scale farming in practice.

2 min read

Farm Location: Limuru, Kenya

Climate: Limuru is warm and temperate, Rainfall in Limuru is 1263mm on average annually.  The temperature here averages 19 °C. see more details on Limuru weather here

Farm size: 3 acres

Source of water: Borehole

Farm activities were undertaken:

  1. Commercial Nursery services (capsicums, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach among others on prior booking). The farm is registered by the Horticultural Crops Directorate of Kenya as a Horticultural Nursery and Mother block thus providing professional services in germination and nursery care for seedlings of different varieties of crops.
  2. Strawberry (Chandler variety) propagation, cultivation, and packaging ready for the market. The strawberries are grown outdoors under drip irrigation and covered using nets during the harvesting period to prevent pests from eating the ready fruits.
  3. Tomato, capsicum, Pepino melon,   propagation, cultivation, and sales. Tomatoes and capsicums are grown in greenhouses while Pepino melons are grown outdoors.
  4. The farm offers exposure and learning experience to upcoming and experienced farmers and tourists on specific days. See the form below if you may be interested to visit.

Good farming practices at the farm:

  1. Mulching is practiced open field strawberries to prevent water loss through evaporation.
  2. Drip irrigation both in greenhouses and open fields are practiced. see more details on Drip irrigation here
  3. A controlled environment is observed in greenhouses. Disinfectants are used at entry points to prevent crop diseases’ spread.
  4. Organized management and efficient plant care schedules throughout the season.
  5. Standard, well maintained greenhouse structures, drip irrigation system, and storage points.


The farm has a company like organizational structure led by a farm manager who oversees all activities in the farm with the help of casual laborers all who have assigned and timely goals throughout the season. The farm manager directly reports to the owner of the farm.

Would you want to visit Grace Rock farm? Fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you:

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