1. A better way to grow Napier grass for more milk
  2. 2Animal drawn planters for vertisols and lighter red soils to save labour and time
  3.  Avoid potato bacterial wilt
  4. Better bananas for western Kenya
  5. Better bean  variety 
  6. Better forages for more milk at lower cost
  7. Control charcoal rot in beans
  8. Control the bean stem maggot – get high bean yields
  9. Control pest in your stores
  10. Control of stalk borers in maize crops
  11. Control ticks
  12. Control smut disease in Napier grass
  13. Control white flies in citrus
  14. Cultural control of chafer grubs in maize
  15. Cultivation and utilization of Napier grass
  16. Deadly floating aquatic weeds in Kenya waterways
  17. Diagnosis and control of cattle calves diarrhoea (T)
  18. Discover hidden treasure in local chicken
  19. Effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on maize and beans yields
  20. Feed lupine seed with maize for cheaper dairy feed
  21. Fertile cows give more milk
  22. Finger millet
  23. Finger Millet porridge
  24. Friesian-Sahiwah crossbreds for more milk
  25. Get more milk and meat
  26. Grow better cowpea varieties
  27. Grow Desmodium for seed
  28. Grow giant setaria grass for increased milk production
  29. Grow guatemala grass for increased milk yield
  30. Growp panicum grass for increased milk yield
  31. How controlling ECF by immunization
  32. How to control heart water disease
  33. How to get more milk in the dry season
  34. Improved green grams production in dry areas
  35. Kales and onion production
  36. Keep Russian wheat aphid off your crop
  37. Kill maize stalk borer
  38. Make hay
  39. Making finger millet bites
  40. Make money from mango product juice
  41. Make silage for milk in dry seasons
  42. Management of rice blast disease in susceptible rice varieties
  43. More milk from cows fed better forages
  44. New wheat varieties for dry areas of Kenya (Duma and Ngamia)
  45. Obey your thirst
  46. Oil Seed Canola
  47. Palm Oil
  48. Promising sweet potato varieties in western Kenya
  49. Protein rick finger millet
  50. Simple hay making method using a pit
  51. Stop Newcastle disease
  52. Smut disease threatyens napier grass production
  53. Solar milk pausteuriser
  54. Sorghum Anjeera
  55. Sorghum Beverage
  56. Sorghum Bread
  57. Sorghum banana wine
  58. Stop the spread of napier stunt disease
  59. Sunning and sieving of beans
  60. Sweet potato production
  61. Tick control after ECF Infection
  62. Treat mange now
  63. Treat your water
  64. Use maize forage
  65. Water – the real thing: collect it all
  66. Wheat thresher
  67. Why store grain in air tight containers?